
Canon de Arrowhead is an affordable apartment community and has income restriction guidelines.

HOUSEHOLD SIZE: Includes each person who will reside in the home.

HOUSEHOLD income: All income from any income source, including but not limited to, all wages, social security payments, retirement benefits, military and veteran's disability payments, unemployment benefits, welfare benefits, and interest and dividend payments.

MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HOUSEHOLD INCOME: hud (“US Department of Housing of Urban Development”) publishes annual income limits based on household size that are used to determine the maximum household income.

Please Note:

  • If all household members are full time students, please call the office to discuss.
  • Previous rental history will be reviewed, and no unsatisfactory rental history will be accepted. Any debt owed to an apartment community must be paid in full.
  • Credit scoring is based on real data and statistics to ensure all applicants are treated objectively. The applicants consumer credit report contains information about the applicant and the applicants credit experiences, such as the applicants bill-payment history, the number and type of accounts that the applicant has, late payments, collection actions, landlord tenant court records, outstanding debt, and the age of the applicants accounts. Applicants must be in good standing with local utility company.
    Household Size Maximum Allowable Household Income
    1 $31,740
    2 $36,240
    3 $40,800
    4 $45,300
    5 $48,960
    6 $52,560
    7 $56,220
    8 $59,820
  • Our application fee is $20
  • The holding deposit is $100

What We Do

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Contact Us

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Friday & Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Built by Hexagon IT Solutions. Copyright © 2025  New Earth Residential. All Rights Reserved.



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